Refuel Your Ambitions
Next Session: Friday Mar 7th  1:00PM-4:00PM Eastern

Are you constantly working on your business but not seeing the results you want? Are you struggling to find enough clients. When you do find clients, do you then struggle to find more time? Do you ever feel like you're not able to handle your clients' needs?

Each one of these situations drains your energy and your confidence. What's more: being in these situations causes them to move from being problems to being normal. When that happens, changing the reality of the situation becomes that much harder.

In this workshop, you will learn techniques to refuel your confidence, reenergize your body, and reignite your passion for your business. Working directly with attendees, Reality Interventionist, Shiraz Baboo, will help you to reveal the hidden stores of struggle, lack, underserving, and more than guide you out of them. He will also show you how you can speed up your business growth, reduce the activities you do, and transform the way you show up in your business. Attendees have seen results within days of this workshop. Come out and Refuel Your Ambitions.



Award-Winning Author, International Speaker, and Reality Interventionist, Shiraz, enables you to rewrite your business stories, and with them, your reality because most people are unknowingly addicted to limiting and obsolete stories and left with a lack of success, confidence, and freedom. Shiraz helps you to eliminate, terminate, and annihilate your unconscious addiction to these stories in order to propel your business forward and fuel an abundance of free time, money, and energy.

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General Admission: Lessons & Clearings 1:30pm - 4:30pm EST

VIP:  General + How to Rewrite Reality Ebook + A Full-Day Deep Dive Class ($500 value)

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Refuel Your Ambitions$500

  • Total payment
  • 1xRefuel Your Ambitions$500

All prices in USD